Posts tagged secrecy
Sebern Fisher - Heal Childhood Trauma with Neurofeedback

Sebern, at age four was abducted and abused. Her parents never believed her and by the time she was a young adult, she ended up in lengthy psychiatric hospitalization. She somehow pulled together and became a thriving psychotherapist and director of a residency program for severely disturbed youth. Despite Sebern and her team’s efforts, the success rate for this youth was abysmal. But in her 50s she discovered neurofeedback and felt, for the first time in her life, the quieting of the fear in her brain. It shifted completely her understanding of what was preventing the kids in her care to progress and led her to study neurofeedback and become one of the leading practitioner and teacher of neurofeedback for healing developmental trauma. In this episode, Sebern explores the impact of trauma on the brain and what that means for the future of understanding and healing mental illness.   

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Elizabeth Kemler - When Nothing Else Worked...

Elizabeth tried everything— meds, therapy, alternative approaches— to manage her depression and suffering, but nothing gave her lasting results. She didn't give up, and, over the years, came up with her own method, Mindfulness for a Messy Life. To help her overcome difficult times, Elizabeth reminds herself that “I can’t let the bad stuff win.” Through memories of herself as a hyper sensitive child who was cruelly bullied to her adulthood of high achievements despite agonizing self-loathing and mental anguish, Elizabeth shares her strategies for healing and thriving. 

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